Did you also grow up thinking that chocolates, a card, roses (or any red/pink flowers), a dress, and a candlelit dinner with a special someone were the essentials for a perfect Valentine’s Day? I was stuck to that idea for too long that I set myself up for disappointment each year that it didn’t happen, yet I was unknowingly learning that there is no single definition of what Valentine’s Day should look like.
Being a huge advocate of self-love, I believed one needed approval and love from only one’s self. Why wait for someone else to do so? Someone may come, may go someday, but you are the most constant and important person in your life.
When I was single, I was my own valentine- I showered and treated myself and it was fantastic. I made myself feel worthy and full of love- and it extended to my friendships. I didn’t feel the need to be with anyone; a truly empowering state to be in and though I’m married now, it is still something I feel strongly about. Fortunately, I’m married to someone who feels the same and does not hesitate to remind me about it during my low points.
Can I be frank with you? Whatever idea of today you may have, I hope it’s one that is a realistic type of happy for you, as long as each bit makes you happy and feel loved. Regardless if you are single or have someone, at the end of the day I hope you take today to first and foremost remember and treat yourself as your own valentine. Go out alone, buy yourself something, make yourself a lovely meal, or order in and cuddle up to yourself with a movie or book- whatever you do, give yourself your own ideal Valentine’s Day and never forget: you are a special someone.
As for me, I am dressed in some of my favorite casual clothes, treated myself to a Honey Citrus Mint tea at Starbucks, and will shortly be gifting myself a cake pop as my personal Valentine’s Day celebration. I am my valentine and very much feel it. Later today, I will be joined by my husband for a unique Valentine’s Day. More on that story later 😉